
Narayana Multispecialty Health provides state-of-the-art care for all types and stages of eye conditions. We use the latest techniques and therapies to administer a comprehensive range of eye treatments, from routine eye examinations to glaucoma treatment. 

Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine that deals with the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eye. An ophthalmologist is a specialist in treating eye problems, offering medical and surgical treatments. Ophthalmology includes sub-specialties that deal either with diseases that affect the entire eye or certain parts of the eye. 

When to see an ophthalmologist?

You should consult an eye specialist if you experience chronic or acute and severe vision problems, such as: 

  • Bulging eyes 
  • Misaligned eyes 
  • Reduced, distorted, blocked, or double vision 
  • Eyelid abnormalities or problems 
  • Seeing colored circles or halos around lights 
  • Excessive tearing 
  • Floaters in the field of view 
  • Seeing flashes of light 
  • Redness in the eyes 
  • Loss of peripheral vision 

Surgery is usually needed for symptoms such as: 

  • Sudden vision loss or changes 
  • Sudden or severe eye pain 
  • Eye injury 

You should also visit an eye specialist if you suffer from conditions that raise the risk of diseases of the eye, such as: 

  • High blood pressure 
  • Diabetes 
  • Thyroid 
  • Family history of eye conditions 

The elderly are also at higher risk of eye-related problems and injuries. So, if you are over 40, you should visit an ophthalmologist to know the baseline of your eye health. Even healthy individuals can experience severe eye conditions that are difficult to detect. 

Other eye doctors 

Unlike ophthalmologists, optometrists and opticians are not medical doctors. However, they all work in the same clinic or hospital. 

Common Eye Diseases 

Our expert team of eye specialists, eye surgeons, retina specialists and more use the latest techniques to treat both common and rare diseases of the eye. Some of the most common eye problems include: 


In this eye condition, the eye's lens gets clouded, leading to dimmed or blurred vision. It also causes difficulty in reading and doing some everyday activities. It is more common in older adults, although younger people can also get cataracts at times. In rare cases, babies can be born with congenital cataract. It is important to get treatment quickly because untreated cataracts can lead to vision loss. 


Glaucoma is caused when increased intraocular pressure (pressure within the eye) leads to damage of the optic nerve. If left untreated, it could lead to vision loss. There are two types of glaucoma: 

  • Open-angle glaucoma: This is a chronic condition that gradually progresses over a long period. You might even be unaware of the progressive vision loss. 
  • Closed-angle glaucoma: It’s a painful eye condition that appears suddenly. But the pain means that you are likely to get eye treatment in time before any permanent damage can occur. 


Conjunctivitis, or pink eye, is an eye infection that leads to the inflammation of the conjunctiva (white part of the eye), leading to itching, redness and discharge. This is a highly contagious condition and should be treated as soon as possible. The eye infection can be caused by either bacteria or viruses. In bacterial infections, the discharge is green or yellow and causes the eyelids to stick together. In viral infections, the discharge tends to be clear. Allergies can also lead to pink eye. So, consult an ophthalmologist quickly to get the right conjunctivitis treatment. 

Dry Eye Syndrome 

Inadequate production of tears or poor quality of tears leads to dry eyes, which causes discomfort and potential vision problems due to the lack of lubrication. Dry eye treatment usually involves the use of artificial tears or tear duct plugs that prevent tear drainage. One of the most common causes of dry eyes today is eye strain due to prolonged screen time. 

Diabetic Retinopathy 

In this eye condition, blood vessels of the retina and light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eyes get progressively damaged due to diabetes. Diabetic Retinopathy can lead to vision impairment and blindness. If you have diabetes, keep rigorous control of your blood sugar to prevent this condition. Retina specialists also advise controlling blood pressure, blood sugar and lipid abnormalities. Staying physically active, ensuring a healthy diet and taking the prescribed medicines on time are crucial to mitigating this disease of the eyes. If it reaches a severe stage, vision loss becomes irreversible. 

How to Take Care of Your Eyes After Cataract Surgery 

The eye surgeons at Narayana Health guide you at every step of the way during cataract treatment. During the surgical treatment of cataract, the clouded lens is removed and replaced with an artificial one, without affecting the external part of the lens, known as the capsular bag. In some cases, natural cell growth may cause clouding of the posterior part of the capsular bag, leading to a secondary cataract. It is painless and harmless and can be removed with a special laser treatment. However, you will need to follow certain precautions after the eye operation to ensure a speedy recovery. 

  • Avoid driving in the first twenty-four hours of the operation. 
  • Avoid excessive physical exertion for the first few days. 
  • Remember to not rub or press on the operated eye. 
  • Do not miss medical follow-up appointments. 
  • Take the prescribed medicines according to the eye surgeon’s instructions. 
  • Ensure that your eyes don’t come in contact with soap, water or shampoo during your daily hygiene routine. 
  • Avoid using any additional eyewear. 
  • Use an eye shield when you sleep. 

Post-Operative Eye Care 

Although operations for cataract treatment usually proceed without complications, follow-up care is an important aspect of your recovery process. 

Medical Supervision 

Medical supervision is necessary after an eye operation. You will need to spend the first few hours after the surgery under medical supervision so that any complications that may arise can be prevented. You should also ensure regular visits to your eye specialist for checkups. 

Eye Drops 

Laser eye operations affect the fine corneal nerves of the eyes. As a result, the cornea becomes less sensitive to the environment. Applying eye drops helps lubricate the eye and supports the healing process. 

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